European Practice of SMEs Digitalisation for Sustainable Industry 4.0


Erasmus+ Project Jean Monnet Module

European Practice of SMEs Digitalisation for Sustainable Industry 4.0

Field: teaching and research

Target group: students, graduates

The purpose of the project: to improve the practical knowledge and skills of students, youth, business representatives, local authorities and other target groups concerning the implementation of EU’s experience in implementing of digital technologies and tools in the activities of business entities in the context of European integration and keeping in aligning with the requirements of sustainable I4.0.

Aims and objectives of the project

  1. Promote excellence in teaching and research in the field of European Union studies.
  1. Foster dialogue between the academic world and society, policy-makers, civil servants, civil society actors, representatives of the different levels of education and of the media.
  1. Generate knowledge and insights in support of EU policy-making and strengthen the role of the EU in Ukraine.
  1. Reach out to a wider public and spread knowledge about the EU to the wider society through organized workshops, trainings, study visits, round table, information dissemination as open educational resources (didactic materials, textbook, brochures and leaflets, distance learning platform TNTU, virtual platform, information dissemination on the department’s website, social media) in the field of digitalization as a condition of business competitiveness.

Direction of project activity

  • lectures, seminars, training courses, summer school, distance learning course, intensive course;
  • general awareness of society about the project (brochure, newsletter, website);
  • increase of the graduates’ digital competitiveness;
  • didactic materials, book;
  • publishing scientific articles;
  • participation conferences;
  • organizing of events to promote knowledge about the EU and implementation of the European experience to address digital transformation issues (study visits, workshop, roundtable debate).

Expected results

  1. To include teaching and learning materials (including eLearning) into educational process as additional learning tools.
  2. Develop a Bachelor’ Degree Programme “Information Systems and Technologies in Business”.
  3. Design and develop digital platform.
  4. After the completion of the project it is planned to develop a new Jean Monnet Activities – Chair “SME Degetalisation & Sustainability”.


Lecture-Seminar on “Trends in the Use of Websites and the Most Popular Data Analytics Tools by Small Businesses in EU Countries”

Lecture-Seminar on “Trends in the Use of Websites and the Most Popular Data Analytics Tools by Small Businesses in EU Countries”

Yesterday, on May 8, as part of the project “European Business Digitalization Practices in the Context of Sustainable Industry 4.0,” another lecture-seminar took place on the topic: “Trends in the…

Workshop on “Opportunities for Using Social Media for Business in the European Space”

Workshop on “Opportunities for Using Social Media for Business in the European Space”

On Monday, May 1, 2023, as part of the international project “European Business Digitalization Practices in the Context of Sustainable Industry 4.0” and Smart Manufacturing Innovation, Learning-labs, and Entrepreneurship (SMILE),…

Workshop on “Digital Transformation Tools: Experience of Small and Medium Businesses in the EU”

Workshop on “Digital Transformation Tools: Experience of Small and Medium Businesses in the EU”

On Monday, April 24, as part of the project “European Business Digitalization Practices in the Context of Sustainable Industry 4.0” and “Smart Manufacturing Innovation, Learning-labs, and Entrepreneurship” (SMILE), a workshop…

Project team

Iryna Strutynska

Professor of Computer Science Department

Liliya Melnyk

Professor of Innovative activity and Services Management Department

Halyna Kozbur

Associate professor of Computer Science Department

Lesia Dmytrotsa

Associate professor of Computer Science Department

Olena Sorokivska

Head of the Management and Administration Department

Roman Sherstiuk

Head of the Innovative activity and Services Management Department

Our contacts

    Coordinator: Iryna Strutynska

    Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University
    46001, Ukraine, Ternopil, 56, Ruska street, Building 2, office #30.